Multimedia Digitization Request

What is it?

Do you need to digitize physical video media for academic reasons? This service takes VHS, DVDs, Blu-ray, and convert this content into digital format. This digital media will then be upload to our shared media repository which users can embed the content into courses in Canvas.

This service can take 4-6 weeks for DVDs and some Blu-ray and 8-12 weeks for VHS, Blu-ray, and foreign language films that need English captions. 

Who can request this?

Faculty and Staff of MSU Denver


Media needs to be for Academic use and be in VHS, DVDs, or Blu-ray format.

What to expect

Once this form is filled out, we will research if this content is available already in Yuja or other resources. 

If the content is not available then we will contact you to set up a time for drop off.

After Drop-off we will review the media and process the media.

You will then be contacted once the media is uploaded and be provided instructions on how to access the digital media.

Request Service


Service ID: 46085
Thu 10/1/20 7:04 PM
Sun 2/21/21 8:40 PM
Catalog Visibility (what users can use/see this service in the Client Portal?)
Internal: Only for ITS use
Restricted: access restricted to ITS and another group
Unrestricted: All users can access