What is AppXtender?


ApplicationXtender Web Access (AppXtender) is an OpenText document management product used by the University to meet its needs for an electronic document management system. AppXtender allows for document imaging, scanning, and indexing, both for individual departments and for the entire institution. It integrates with the University's Banner system at the data, event, and form levels, and has specific integration points with each Banner module (Finance, Student, Financial Aid, and Human Resources) that improve efficiency and supplement the decision-making process through easy access to relevant document collections.

AppXtender allows for document management in various ways, including:

  • Scanning and indexing documents, either individually or in bulk.

  • Querying for specific images or documents from a Banner form.

  • E-mailing images and documents to other users for review.

  • Annotating images.

  • Updating Banner data based on the receipt of appropriate documents.

  • Scanning and storing documents that do not directly pertain to Banner data

Who can use AppXtender?

Current staff, faculty, or student employees can use AppXtender at the request of their supervisor after the employee has an established Banner account with a basic level of access.

How do I request access to AppXtender?

There are two distinct steps to obtain AppXtender Access:

  1. The employee that needs AppXtender access must have an established Banner account with basic access and be able to log in to Banner 9 Admin pages BEFORE the supervisor completes the second step below.  If the employee does not have a Banner account currently, they will need to fill out our Banner Account Request (basic access) form.
  2. Once the employee can log in to Banner Admin pages successfully, the supervisor fills out our Expanded Banner Access/Permissions Request form and select the "AppXtender access and permissions (Banner Imaging)" within the Banner systems Permissions Type field.

How do I access AppXtender?

Once you have been granted access to AppXtender, you can launch the utility from within Banner Admin Pages by clicking the "Retrieve" button at the top of any form.

Some forms within Banner have additional functionality that allow you to pull up a specific document based on the current form or query. Please consult your department for more information on launching AppXtender from these screens.

AppXtender Resources



Article ID: 120998
Mon 11/23/20 2:37 PM
Thu 6/10/21 11:44 AM

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