Search72 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request a new digital sign for your department or request changes to your current sign(s).

Faculty can request a virtual environment for delivering their courses.

Request a Blackboard Archive File after the decommissioning of Blackboard Learn.

Employees request basic (read-only) access to the Banner 9 administrative environment (for employees only).

Request phone numbers for new employee(s); get voicemail help or delegate updates for current extensions.

Computing technology requests for faculty, staff, student employees and students

Request assistance creating or managing your distribution group in Office 365/Outlook

Request access to tools that allow your user administrative privileges on your MSUDenver asset

Request for DNS changes (static IPs, etc.)

Request access to utilize the MSU Denver VPN, GlobalProtect

Request additional Learning Management System (Canvas) Sandbox courses for course development.

Request permission changes for ITS technicians working in TDX.. Make requests or suggestions on major process areas in TDX (Service/Incidents, Change, Major Incident, Assets, Knowledge, Service Catalog, etc.) or Request permission changes for ITS technicians working in TDX.

Free and request-able software for student use on personal devices including Solidworks, Multisim, LabView, Minitab, Mathematica and more!

Request an enhancement or change to a SSB or Banner Module (Banner Student, HR, Financial Aid, Finance, Payroll, Accounts Receivable, General).

Changes or requests to a Health Center-specific software, systems and devices. Health Center employees only.