How to enroll in a class after the deadline

If you wish to register for a class after the self-register deadline has passed there are several steps that must be completed, including permission from the instructor. Some classes move quickly, and starting late may hinder your ability to be successful. 

Step 1: Contact the instructor by email for permission. If the instructor approves, move to step 2.

Step 2: Complete the late enrollment paperwork which includes a financial responsibility and promissory note agreement, a legally binding document that holds you accountable for paying the tuition and fees for the class you wish to register for. The form is located here. Do not forget to sign on pages 1 and 3. 

Step 3: Send the completed forms by email to the instructor for approval and signature. The instructor is required to sign page 1.

Step 4: The instructor will email the completed forms to the Chair of the department for approval and signature.

Step 5: The Chair of the department will email the completed forms to the College of Health and Human Sciences Office of the Dean for final approval. If approved, the Dean's office will register you and notify you by email. 

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Wed 5/15/24 10:14 AM
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