NetID and/or Display Name Change

What is it?

Display Name: The way your name appears in emails and the Outlook address book (Last Name, First Name) .
NetID: This is your user name and the first part of your email address that you use to sign into MSU Denver systems (e.g.

If you have updated/changed your name with the University, you can request one of two options to update how your name appears in Office 365 (University email, Microsoft Teams, etc.):

  1. Display Name Change: This request is quick to process and updates how your name is displayed in email and Teams, but doesn't change your NetID/email address.
  2. NetID Change: ITS can generate a new NetID/username. This will also change your email address and update your Display Name, but will take multiple days to process.

Please carefully read the Requirements and What to Expect sections below. 

Who can request this?

Current students. Faculty and staff must update Preferred Name in Workday.


Before accepting any NetID change requests, we must check three things:

(1) You must not currently be taking or teaching classes. Any student or teacher involved in a class in the current semester will need to wait until the semester is over before we can process their NetID change (we can, however, process a display name change in the meantime). This is to minimize service interruption to major systems during a semester. 

(2) For a change request to be reasonable, the customer's current NetID must either not match their name in Banner (due to a formal name change), or else be profane, illegible, or otherwise unprofessional. We don't change NetIDs for purely cosmetic reasons.

(3) Your name must be up-to-date in Banner, the university database of student and employee records.  Students can update their preferred name on their student profile on the student hub.  Once your name has been updated in Banner, you may submit this request form. 

  • Students can request a legal name change in Banner by contacting the Registrar's Office or 303-556-3991.
  • Faculty and Staff can change preferred or legal name changes in Workday.
What to expect

Display Name Changes: ITS will verify that your name is updated in Banner and then apply the changes to your display name.  Once processed, the update should take effect across Microsoft Office 365 systems within 24 - 48 hours. 

NetID Changes:

  • This process generally takes a week to complete. We will keep you updated on its progress throughout and contact you by phone when the process is complete to provide your new NetID and confirm you are able to log into your MSU Denver accounts with the new information. For account security, we cannot provide login information via voice mail or email.
  • Your new NetID will be generated automatically based on how your name now appears in Banner.
  • During this process, you may briefly lose access to MSU Denver web services, including Email, Canvas, and the Employee Services/Student main menu.
  • Your existing emails will be migrated as part of the process. However, any emails sent or received by your MSU Denver account during the migration period may be lost. We will communicate with you when the migration will happen.
  • OneDrive data backup - If you have any data stored in your MSUDenver in your old NetID's OneDrive, you will need to manually download data you want to keep so that it can be uploaded into into your new email/NetID account. There is no automated way to do this, but please let us know if you need assistance with this process.
  • Faculty/Staff: If you have any documents saved locally on an MSU Denver-issued computer, it will need to be manually migrated to your new profile once the rest of the process is finished.
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