YuJa offers an out-of-the-box extension that enables you to view, record, upload, publish, search, and share video directly from the Canvas environment. This is used to improve student engagement, creativity and learning results, as well as ease of use for students and faculty.
YuJa is directly integrated with Canvas and provides features and modules, such as Mashup tool and course tool so that users can upload and embed media easily.
What can it do?
- Easy Video Uploading – Upload, manage, assign, and share content (based on permissions) with a private media library for each Blackboard user.
- Create webcam videos – Welcome messages, introductions, assignment instructions, simple demonstrations, and other webcam media.
- Screen Recording – Easily record the screen, along with audio and webcam feeds, to create and publish screen-casts. Instructors can record and share lectures, presentations, software tutorials, and additional screen-casts.
- Shared Repository – Use to share media among the entire institution
- Comments – Boost online conversations and user engagement by allowing users to comment on videos.
- Analytics – Faculty can view course-level reports for video engagement:
- Which videos are students watching the most?
- Which students contribute the most videos?
- Which students watch the most videos?
- How long are students watching each video?
- Accessibility – YuJa’s video player is compliant with ADA requirements.
- Browse, Search and Embed – Quickly find and embed videos based on metadata (name, description, tags, categories)
How do I upload videos to use in my class?
Please see the CTLD's Videos tutorial page
What file types does Yuja support?
Yuja supports multiple different file types and supports not just videos.
Formats Supported Include: wmv, .asf, .flv, .f4v, .f4a, .avi, .mp3, .mpg, .mpeg, .mps, .ps, .mp2, .m2v, .m2a,.ts, .tsv, .tsa, .mts, .m2ts, .tod, .mp4, .m4a, .m4v, .3gp, .mov, .mts (AVCHD), Flash video, .webm, .mxf, .dv., .docx, .pdf., .srt, .vtt, .txt, .csv, .xlsx, .pptx, .psd.
Is there a size or duration limit for video uploads?
Files uploaded to YuJa cannot be larger than the 1 TB limit. As well, depending on your computer Yuja Software capture has a max recording time of 2-3 hrs.
Can students use Yuja and how do they do it?
Students can use the YuJa platform to record and submit videos anywhere that students can use the Canvas text editor. A guide on how to create an assignment in Canvas can be found here https://ready.msudenver.edu/self-help-tutorials/assignments/create-an-assignment/ which allow students to record and submit videos. Please refer your students to the Yuja Quick Start Guide for Students for instructions on recording and submitting videos.
Can I download a YuJa video to have on my personal device?
You can only download a video to your personal device from YuJa if you are the creator or owner of that video. Please watch this video guide for instructions.
Is it better to use YuJa or Teams to record video? Is the functionality similar?
YuJa is used to upload and/or create videos for your class, while Teams is a video conferencing tool which allows you have virtual classes/meetings with your students. While both have video recording capabilities, the one you want to use will depend on what you are trying to accomplish. YuJa has more resources for video production, including automatic captioning, and so is the preferred choice when creating a video for your class to watch. Teams can be used to record any online meetings or lectures you host within the Teams application.
Can I correct YuJa's auto-captions?
Yes, you can correct the captions of a video you have uploaded to or created in YuJa. Please see the "Edit Auto-Captions on YuJa Videos" section of the Accessibility tutorials page. Please note you may not be able to edit the captions of videos that someone else shared with you; in this case, you will need to contact the video's owner to have them edit the captions.
Can I use YouTube instead of YuJa?
Yes. To add a video from YouTube to your course, choose "YouTube" from the list of options when embedding video in the Rich Text Editor (please see the "Can I embed video without copy/pasting code every time?" question below for instructions.
Can I embed video without copy/pasting code every time?
Yes! There is a way to embed videos in Canvas without using the embed code.
When you access your Rich Text Editor in Pages or in other areas of Canvas you can choose the “Select App” icon. It looks like a little plug:

This will open the Select App window, which will let you select the app you want to use for video.

Several options are available, including YouTube, Vimeo, and YuJa. Double-click your desired app to open a window where you can pick the video you want to embed (the YuJa window is shown below, but other apps may look different).

For more in-depth information on how to use YuJa, please check the tutorials at https://ready.msudenver.edu/self-help-tutorials-resources/videos/.