Yuja Quick Start Guide for Students


This is a Quick Start Guide to introduce students to the Yuja Video system as well as the training and support resources that are available to them for Yuja.

Before you begin...

In order to use the full Yuja functions described in this guide you must have access to Canvas. You must be an active student or faculty at MSU Denver in order to access both Canvas and Yuja.

If you experience issues logging into Canvas or Yuja, you may not be an active student.

Contact the Office of the Registrar to check on your registration status. https://www.msudenver.edu/registrar/ 

Contact ITS for any issues you have signing in to MSU Denver services. Login Support (Single Sign-On)

Contact ITS to request assistance installing, using or troubleshooting Yuja. Yuja Assistance


YuJa is a video content management system which enables users to view, record, upload, publish, search, and share videos directly from the Canvas environment. This is used to improve student engagement, creativity and learning results, as well as ease of use for students and faculty.

YuJa is directly integrated with Canvas and provides features and modules, such as the Mashup tool and course tool, that allow users to upload and embed media easily.

Accessing Yuja

You can log in to YuJa directly at https://msudenver.yuja.com by selecting Metropolitan State University of Denver SSO option from the drop down menu, then clicking Login. You can also use YuJa through Canvas by using the Mashup tool when creating an assignment. 

Submitting your recordings via Canvas

  1. Visit https://msudenver.edu/studenthub.
  2. Click on the Canvas button to log in to Canvas.
  3. Access the content area of the course where you are asked to upload a video (e.g. where you are submitting the assignment)
  4. Select the Yuja logo icon to go directly to Yuja. 
  5. Or you can choose the Apps icon (it looks like an electrical plug).
  6. If you choose the Apps Icon scroll down in the Select App box that appears and click on Yuja from that list. 
  7. Navigate to your video by typing the video name into the search bar or by scrolling down in the video list.
  8. If you have not yet uploaded the video into Yuja you can drag and drop or browse for the file in the 
  9. Click the video name or thumbnail.
  10. Wait for the video to load into the submission box.
  11. Click Save.

Important! Each course at MSU Denver is unique and different courses may require submissions to assignments to be taken care of in specific ways not described here. Contact your instructor if you have a question about how and where to turn in your course assignments.

Yuja Tutorials:

Important! Yuja tutorials that are provided directly from the Yuja Help Center may show details and available functions that are a bit different from the MSU Denver system.

Video Tutorials from MSU Denver:

Video Tutorials from the Yuja Help Center:


You should now be more familiar with the Yuja system and the resources that are available to you.

If you need support installing, using, or troubleshooting Yuja go to Yuja Assistance to request support. 

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Article ID: 131553
Wed 4/14/21 12:44 PM
Thu 9/30/21 12:59 PM

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