How do I add a directory printer to my MSU Denver Windows computer?



This article will guide you to add a networked, on-campus, directory-published printer to your computer.

Before you begin...

  • This article is for faculty and staff using an MSU Denver ITS-issued Windows computer wishing to add a directory printer.
  • At this time, not all printers are available to be added via directory. If this does not apply to your situation, please go to the How do I print on campus? page to find the right article that suits your needs.
  • In order to print on campus, your computer must be either:
    • hard wired into the network using a docking station or Ethernet cable
    • OR on the campus WiFi with the GlobalProtect VPN turned on and connected
  • You must know the printer's name which can often be found on a label on the physical printer or by asking someone else in your department. Increasingly, printers may have labels on them which help you to identify what the name is.

Image of a printer label

A sample label present on the front of all new Xerox machines.


  1. Click your Start menu in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen or using the Windows key on your keyboard.
  2. Type the word "Printers"
  3. Click the option that says Add a printer or scanner

Image showing the add a printer or scanner option in the start menu

  1. Click Add a printer or scanner

Image showing the add a printer or scanner option in the Settings app

  1. You may see a large list show up. Scroll to the bottom and choose The printer that I want isn't listed.

Image showing "the printer I want isn't listed"

  1. At this window, choose Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature then click Next

Image showing the "Find a printer by other options" screen

  1. You will see a list of printers that we have published that are available to add. Find the printer you need from the list, select it, and then click OK.

Image showing the directory printer dialog

  1. The printer driver will begin installing.

Image showing the driver add dialog box

  1. After this is completed, click Next and Finish to complete the installation.

Image showing printer add success screen


The printer will be installed on your computer. Feel free to print a test page from the completion screen as well.

Additional Information

If your department utilizes printer codes: you may need to enter them in when you go to print. Test pages sent using the button shown above will not go through and should instead be sent from applications like Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat. If you do not know your print code, please talk with your department admin or office manager. View How do I use a print code on my department's Xerox? for help.

If you were unable to find your printer in step 7: then the printer you are looking for is likely not a directory printer. Go to the How do I print on campus? page to find the right article that suits your needs.

If you experience any problems during this process please fill out a Printer Issues & Support form or call the Service Desk at (303) 352-7548



Article ID: 141148
Thu 2/3/22 12:31 PM
Fri 6/28/24 3:36 PM

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