How do I operate a Teams Live event?

Starting the Event (Producers)

Once a live event has been scheduled, it can be joined from within the calendar using the Join button.

Once joined, you will see an interface like the one below. Note the available video sources at the bottom of the screen.

These sources will include Video (camera) and Content (screen share) from both you and your presenters.

  • Note that only one Content can be accessed at any given time.

To make your event live and begin streaming, move a source to the Live event section, then press the Start button. The source in the Live event section will be what attendees see.

  • Note that, if the content in the Live event section is disrupted or un-shared, the event will not shut down; however, attendees will only see a blank screen until a new content stream has been moved to the Live event section.


Using the Queue (Producers)

Content sources can be moved to the Queue section at any point before or during the live event. Pressing the Send live button will move the source in the Queue to the Live Event section, replacing any source currently in that section.


Using Multiple Sources Simultaneously (Producers)

Note the buttons below the left-hand side of the Queue section.

These buttons allow you to switch between single source and dual source format for the queue. In dual source format, you can add a second content source to the Queue by clicking the Add video from below section, then clicking the desired content source below.

Pressing the Send live button will transfer the combined content sources to the live feed.


Using the Q&A Section (Presenters and Producers)

Addressing questions during a live event is essential to the audience's participation. It is recommended that a specific presenter/producer be appointed this task, leaving general production and presentation duties to other presenters/producers. Additionally, it is suggested that you set set aside time prior to the start of the event to test out the technology and understand the flow of Q&A.

If Q&A has been enabled for this live event, you should see this icon in the upper-right corner of the display.

Clicking it will open the Q&A sidebar.

Clicking the New heading will let you view and answer any new questions attendees have submitted.


Questions and answers are private by default, only viewable by the person who submitted the question and all Presenters/Publishers of the event. Questions can be made viewable to all attendees by using the Publish button.

  • Note, if you publish the question after answering it, the answer will remain private.

Questions in the New section can also be dismissed using the Dismiss button.

Finally, you can also make public announcements to all attendees using the Make an announcement button at the bottom of the sidebar.


Concluding an Event (Producers)

When your event is complete, click the red End button.

You will be asked to verify that you want to end the event. Click End live event.


Live Event Resources (Presenters and Producers)

Once an event is concluded, post-presentation information is available for download. Depending on the settings of the event, this may include a recording of the event, a Q&A report, and an attendee engagement report. To access this report, open the event in your Teams Calendar section, and scroll to the bottom of the window.