Canvas Grade Management FAQ for Instructors

What do the "late", "missing", and "excused" statuses do to the students' grade?

Please see the Canvas knowledgebase for more information.

How do I grade a discussion?

Please refer to the CTLD Ready Site.

How does automatic quiz grading work?

Some question types in quizzes are automatically graded by Canvas when a quiz is submitted:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Fill in Multiple Blanks
  • Multiple Answers
  • Multiple Dropdowns
  • Matching
  • Numerical Answer
  • Formula Question

Other question types, such as Essay and File Upload, will need to be manually graded by the instructor. The instructor can also overwrite an automatic grade if needed.

Please see the CTLD's tutorials on Quizzes/Tests for information about creating quizzes, or the Canvas knowledgebase for information about grading quiz questions using SpeedGrader or grading quiz questions one at a time.

How do I weight my grades?

Instructions can be found on the CTLD Ready Site.

Can I make assignments that give extra credit? How do I do it?

Please refer to the CTLD Ready Site.

Can I create a column without creating an assignment (ie: manual column)?

You can create a column with no attached assignment in the Canvas gradebook by creating a "non-submission assignment". Please see the CTLD Ready Site to learn more.

Can I create a calculated column on Canvas?

The Canvas grade book does not include the option to create calculated columns. Please see the CTLD's self-help tutorials or the Canvas knowledgebase for more information and tutorials about using the Canvas grade book.

How do I give feedback on a student's submission?

You can leave feedback on student submissions using text, an attached file, or an audio/video clip. Please see the Canvas knowledgebase for more information.

Is it possible to enter draft grades that only I can see before posting final grades for everyone?

You can hide grades from students either through the grade book or in SpeedGrader. You can post grades whenever you are ready for students to see them.

How do I enter final grades?

The final grade submission process has not changed with the transition to Canvas; final grades will still be submitted through the Self-Service Banner option on the Faculty and Staff Hub, and the process still follows the steps on the Registrar's Grade Submission page (scroll down the grade submission information is at the bottom of the page.

How do I set up my Canvas course to facilitate a student with an Incomplete?

We have a dedicated KB for that located here.