Each MSU Denver lab is equipped with the same software that was available in our lab in the Access Center. The knowledge base article What are the MSU Denver Student Labs? contains the locations and hours of all the labs on campus.
Each computer in the MSU Denver lab is equipped with the same adaptive software that was available in our lab in the Access Center.
Inclusive labs will have the following equipment for checkout:
- Sound Cancelling headphone
Adaptive Software :

Features of Read&Write Gold:
- Can improve Reading Fluency and Comprehension
- Facilitates Research, Writing, Studying, and Test Taking
- Integrates with Mainstream Applications
- Encourages Independence and Inclusion
- Provides UDL Tools that Benefit ALL Students across all RTI Tiers
- Prepares Students for Success in College and Careers
- Editing tools

Features of Zoomtext:
- Low vision user or an easy screen reader
- Crystal clear text at all magnification levels up to 36X
- A reader that will read aloud anything on your computer screen including web based materials

Features of JAWS:
- Full range of screen reading and screen magnification software, notetakers, braille displays, and other devices for blind and visually impaired computer users.
- Access education, and job-related applications for browsing the Web, reading or writing e-mail messages, working with spreadsheets, or accessing information in a database.
- This software is the product of choice for blind and visually impaired people
Low Vision Stations:
Locations: Science 1058 and Tivoli 225
- Oversized monitors
- Zoomtext keyboard
- Scanner or CCTV
Dragon Booth:
Location: Tivoli 225
Training for software and equipment will go through Access Center and Testing Services office. Please contact them to make an appointment with the Adaptive Technology Specialist (303) 556-8387.
Access Center Website