How do I submit a job in Banner 9?


This article will walk you through steps on how to submit a job in Banner 9.

Before you begin...

This is a general article for submitting jobs in Banner. Each department has their own processes and workflows. If you are ever unsure, speak with your department supervisor.


From the Application Navigator Welcome page, input the Job Name & click Enter.

The GJAPCTL form then appears with the Process in the upper left corner.

  • Navigate to the next section (via Alt+PageDown or the Go button or the button in the lower left) to access the Printer Control and input any changes needed. 
  • Navigate to the next section to access Parameter Values and input any changes needed. Note: Page navigation arrows may be needed to access all parameters
  • Navigate to the next section to access Submission and save your parameters with or without a name, etc.
  • Run your Banner Process (via F10 or the Save button in the lower right).

After running the Process, a Notification appears with the job number and files.

To access the output for the Process

  • Close the Notification (via clicking the 1 in the upper right or hitting the tab key).
  • Access the Related form (via clicking the Related icon in the upper right or Alt+Shift+R).
    • Select Review Output [GJIREVO] (via clicking on it in the Related drop-down menu or using down+arrow to highlight the drop-down menu item & then hitting Enter).

The GJIREVO form displays the Process and Number as in the earlier Notification. To view the output, select the File Name (via F9 or clicking the … drop-down menu. Output records are typically in the .lis file).

After selecting the File Name, click the OK button or hit Enter. This will display output in the Saved Output Review section of the form.

  • To view the Process output in a separate browser window, access the Tools menu (via clicking on the Tools button at the upper right or Alt+Shift+T).
  • Within the drop-down Tools menu, select the Show Document (Save and Print File) row (via clicking on it, or using down+arrow & then clicking Enter).

If your Data Extract format setting in GUAUPRF Directory Options is set to WEBUTIL:

- A notification window will appear asking you to Save File

- After clicking on Save File, a notification will appear to ask if you wish to complete the Save to your Download folder. Your file will download and appear in the lower left status area of your browser window.

- Close the Save File dialog window. You can open the file by clicking on the file in the status area of your browser or go to your Downloads folder to view/print the file.

If your Data Extract format setting in GUAUPRF Directory Options is set to FILE:

- A Notification then appears to ask if you wish to Continue, click Yes.

- A new web page appears, from which you can use the Browser to search, save, etc.

Go to Tools => Print – to bring up the print page.

- Make sure your printer is showing and Print.



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Article ID: 121985
Fri 12/4/20 10:23 AM
Thu 6/10/21 9:35 AM