How do I upload videos to YuJa?


This article provides step-by-step instructions for uploading video content to the YuJa media platform.

Before you begin...

You will want to log in to YuJa. You will also want to locate any files on your computer you wish to upload. If the files are hosted online or otherwise not on your computer's hard drive, you will need to download them to your computer before you can upload them to YuJa.


  1. Navigate to the folder within YuJa where you want your video to be located.
  2. Click Upload. The Add Media window will appear. 
  3. Select Video from the listed options.
  4. Click Browse.
  5. Locate the video file on your computer that you want to upload.
  6. Click Open.
    • Note: You can select more than one video file. You will see every file name you've selected listed underneath the Browse button.
  7. Click the Start Upload button.


You will see a progress bar appear at the bottom-right of your browser window indicating when the videos are done. Depending on the size of your video, this process could take several minutes. Once a video has finished uploading, YuJa will start processing the video, which may take additional time. Once processing is complete, the video will be ready for viewing or sharing from YuJa.

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Article ID: 132458
Fri 5/14/21 1:27 PM
Fri 5/14/21 4:40 PM