iClicker Instructor Resources

How to obtain an Instructor Kit

Instructors that are teaching two or more classes using iClickers can contact the publisher directly to obtain a free instructor kit by calling 1-866-209-5698 or emailing sales@iclicker.com.

How do I download the customized version of iClicker for MSU Denver

MSU Denver has created a customized iClicker software package for you to use that is pre-configured so you can download your class roster information directly from the MSU Denver Canvas LMS.  Please visit the links below to download the customized software:

How do I find documentation on how to use iClicker as a faculty member

See the attachments on the right for the MSU Denver specific setup guides on how to setup your iClicker software to sync your roster with Canvas.

How do I find more specific information on how to utilize student response systems within my class?

Additionally, iClicker has provided some additional materials that may assist you in utilizing student response systems (clickers) in your class which are available at: https://community.macmillanlearning.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?advanced=false&allow_punctuation=false&q=iclicker

How do I find iClicker instructor training?

iClicker provides webinar-based training.  To sign-up for a webinar visit https://meetme.so/iClicker and select one of the iClicker Classic (formerly i>clicker 7) Training sessions.