Login Support (Single Sign-On)

  Service Alert: Are you unable to reach your Self Service menus from the Student Hub of Faculty and Staff Hub?

Single Sign-On Failed Error

1. If you are accessing these links from the MSU Denver Student Hub or Fac/Staff website directly and experiencing errors, please clear your browser’s cache and cookies. Please visit our how-to articles to reset your browser here:


2. If you have saved bookmarks/favorites to these links in your browser, those old bookmarks will need to be deleted and then please access these spaces from the university website directly.  

3. Still having issues reaching the Self-Service sites? Please call us at 303-352-7548

How do I get Login Support help here?

If you cannot sign in to our major systems via Single Sign-On (your MSU Denver email + password + multifactor authentication verification), the fastest and best way to get help is to call our ITS Service Desk 24/7 at 303-352-7548.

This service form is designed for people that cannot call in for support and are experiencing sign in issues with their MSU Denver email and password. You can submit this request even if you cannot sign in to other systems. 

Please click on Request Login Support to complete the request form. 

Who can request this?

All MSU Denver students, staff, and faculty can utilize this support service. 


  • New MSU Denver community members are encouraged to review the steps to setup their password, account recovery, and Multifactor authentication options by following our My First Login instructions.
  • Please have the personal email address(es) you used to apply to MSU Denver or to set up your account recovery options. If we cannot communicate with you via phone, we can communicate with you via a personal email we have on file for you. 
  • Please be prepared to describe or attach a screen shot of the error you are experiencing.
What to expect

Our IT Service Desk will contact you during our business hours to offer support (M-F 8am-5pm) if you submit a ticket here. Tickets submitted outside of these business hours will be handled on the next business day. We are available for phone support 24/7 however.

Request Login Support

Related Articles (4)

Newly-accepted students and employees follow these steps to configure your login settings on your MSU Denver account.
If you are new to MSU or are curious about what services are provided with your account, when those services will be available, or when you can expect to lose those services, check out this article!