Some buildings on the Auraria Campus have not yet moved to the AurariaNet Wi-Fi network. For these buildings, MSU Denver students, faculty, and staff should connect to the MSU Denver network for a faster, more secure experience.
Before you begin...
- Ensure Wi-Fi is enabled on your device before taking these steps.
- If you don't see the MSUDenver network, you may be in a building that has transitioned to AurariaNet. In that case, please see How do I connect to the AurariaNet wireless network on Android devices?
- These instructions could differ depending on your device's version of Android. Not all menu options will be the same, but most will be similar.
- You must have an active account with MSU Denver and your password must not be expired.
- This article specifically addresses connecting an Android device (e.g. mobile phone, Chromebook). For instructions for other devices, please see What are MSU Denver's Wi-Fi networks?
- If you change your NetID password, you must also update in your device's WiFi settings. Failure to do so may result in repeated account lockouts as your phone continually tries to authenticate with the old password.
1. Tap on the MSUDenver wireless network to select it. You should then be brought to a screen with several fields to fill out.
Note: Depending on your version of Android, you may only be prompted for a username & password. If this is the case, entering your information and attempting to connect should then open a screen with additional fields.

2. The fields that auto-populate should default to the acceptable values, but a couple will need to be changed:
- Under "Phase 2 authentication", select None.
- Under "CA certificate", select Use system certificates.
Note: For older versions of Android, select Do Not Validate. In this case, you may also need to select MSCHAPv2 in "Phase 2 authentication" (see step 1 of this section).
- Under "Domain", enter msudenver.edu.
- Under "Identity", enter either your MSU Denver NetID or full email address.
- In the "Anonymous identity" section, remove any values that are present, this field should remain blank.

- Under "Password", enter your MSU Denver NetID/email password.
3. After editing the fields in the previous section, Tap on Connect.
You are now connected to the MSUDenver wireless network.
If you still have connection issues, you may try connecting to the MSU Denver Guest wireless network as a work-around and submit a ticket to us here: Report an issue connecting to wireless networks.