July 1st Notice!
A new Wi-Fi network is available on the Auraria Campus: AurariaNet! This network allows all campus users, regardless of affiliation, to connect to a single, unified network that will improve reliability, cost-effectiveness, and overall user experience. Most campus buildings are broadcasting AurariaNet as of July 1st, but some buildings are still broadcasting the old MSUDenver network. These buildings will transition to AurariaNet at a later date, with the plan to eventually retire the MSUDenver network entirely.
Check What are MSU Denver's Wi-Fi networks? for more information, including a list of buildings by available network.
What is it?
Use this form to report problems accessing MSU Denver's wireless networks on the Auraria Campus, including device connectivity, wireless coverage, or poor performance.
Who can request this?
Current staff, faculty and students can report an issue.
In your requests, please provide the specific building and location of the wireless issue, the name of the network you are connecting to, what devices you are using, and what errors you are receiving.
What to expect
An ITS member will contact you during local business hours with any questions and provide a solution if possible.