How do I change my Display Name, NetID, and Personal Pronouns?


Students, Faculty, and Staff who wish to change their Preferred/Display Name, Net ID or Pronouns in the MSU Denver system can find the basic steps and related links in this article.

Note: Preferred/Display Names, Net IDs, and Personal Pronouns are handled in different ways within different internal MSU Denver systems, and each will require different steps and conditions in order to be fully processed.


Preferred/Display Name

Your display name is the way your name appears in MSU Denver technology systems, such as Office 365 and Canvas. By default, this is a legal or given name. MSU Denver Students, Faculty, and Staff can request their display name be changed to a preferred name by taking the following steps:

Note: This process will only update a person's name in MSU Denver technology systems; the NetID and email address will remain unchanged.

NetID (Username)

Your MSU Denver NetID is the first part of your MSU Denver email address, before the @. Information Technology Services can generate a new NetID under the following conditions:

  1. You must not currently be taking or teaching classes. User access to online systems, such as Canvas and email, may be reduced or restricted during the NetID change process. Since this process takes multiple days to complete, ITS does not process such requests for anyone who has an ongoing need to access University communications systems or course materials. Any student or teacher involved in an active course will need to wait until the semester is over before ITS can process their NetID change. (Note this restriction does not apply to Display Name changes; please see above).
  2. There must be a compelling reason to make the change. ITS will only accept requests to change a NetID if the current NetID does not match the user's name in Banner (due to a formal name change), or else is profane, illegible, or otherwise unprofessional. NetIDs will not be changed for purely cosmetic reasons.
  3. The requester's name must be up to date in Banner. Requests for a NetID change should only be submitted after a request to change a user's information in Banner has been completed. Requests to change information in Banner should be submitted to the appropriate department:

If you have met all of the above criteria and would like to request a NetID change, please submit a NetID Change service request to ITS.

Personal Pronouns

Your personal pronouns are an additional account attribute that you can use to specify how others should refer to you in place of your proper name. Some examples include "she/her" or "he/him" or gender-neutral pronouns such as "ze/hir", [pronounced: zee/heer] or "they/them". Some people use specific pronouns, any pronouns, or none at all. 

Not all systems support personal pronouns, due to software restrictions and/or technical limitations. The following systems do support personal pronouns, and links to how-to instructions are listed when available:​​​​​​​

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