If you are a student trying to access Self-Service Banner, or Register for classes and you cannot access these pages due to a JSON server error, please follow this article as a work around.
Error message: "A server call failed with error code 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'u', "userNotLoggedIn" is not valid JSON'. You may need to reload the page to continue'
Before you begin...
Here is an image of this error:

If you are still able to log in to other services such as Canvas, Email, etc. but you get these errors in Self Service Banner, you can either come to campus and connect to MSUDenver Wifi or follow the instructions below to get a resolution.
Note: We are seeing this affect users on T-Mobile cellular or wi-fi networks the most.
To be able to access this service IT recommend to follow the steps below:
1. Perform a full browser reset, here is a link with instructions to perform a full browser reset in the different browsers.
2. If the browser reset does not work, we recommend trying to access these pages from different devices or network if possible (Usually this issue is under T-Mobile networks).
3. If you are able to change the network you are using (Different than T-Mobile), please connect and try again.
4. If you can't connect to a different network or if this does not work, in your browser open a new tab and go to secureaccess.msudenver.edu
5. Once you are on the page it will ask to sign in, please continue to sign in with your MSU Denver email and password.
6. Once you see this page, click on the "StudentHub" tab.
7. If you don't see this option you can also click on "Application URL" and type "msudenver.edu" and click "GO".
8. From there proceed as normal and go to "Self Service Banner" or "Register for Classes".
9. From there it will ask you to sign in again, this will grant you access to the website.
10. Once you sign in, you should be able to look at your information and register for classes.
Once you follow these instructions, you should be able to access the registration services. If you still experiencing issues please submit a ticket or call the IT Service Desk for further assistance.