Report an Issue or Something Broken

If something is not working properly or you're experiencing an unexpected interruption to one of our services, you're in the right place and we'll do our best to help get you
back up and running!

Reporting an Outage?

Please review our Service Status page for known incidents affecting campus. 
For an urgent issue, please call our ITS Service desk at

If this is ticket submitted outside of our local business hours, it will be responded to on the next business day.

Please consider clicking on one of these specific services below if your incident matches one of these options. If not, please use the Report an Issue button/form on this page to submt your ticket to us.

Who can submit this?

Any current student, faculty, or staff can Report an Issue from this page or choose a more specific incident reporting page above.


Please provide as much detail as possible when describing your issue. You may attach images or files to your ticket.

What to expect

Our Service Desk team will review your incident during business hours and respond to you with any questions, work-arounds, or requests to troubleshoot until a resolution is reached. 

Report an Issue


Service ID: 46469
Fri 10/9/20 5:53 PM
Wed 3/16/22 8:43 AM
Catalog Visibility (what users can use/see this service in the Client Portal?)
Internal: Only for ITS use
Restricted: access restricted to ITS and another group
Unrestricted: All users can access