Course Level LTI integration Specific Integration

Tags LTI
What is it?

Request Course Level LTI integration Specific Integration for specific publisher vendors listed below that required a " course level integration" with Canvas.  This requires ITS to complete configuration steps on-behalf of the faculty member. 

Who can request this?



Publisher must be one of the following vendors that require special integration at the "course level" in Canvas. 

  • WileyPLUS
  • Hayden McNeil  
  • OpenStax Tutor     
  • WebWork (MTH Department)
  • Oxford Insight Study Guide

All other Integrated publishers listed at have been integrated already at the institutional level and you may proceed with the specific steps provided by your content publisher representative for your specific course without any required changes by MSU Denver ITS. 

What to expect

Once you have obtained the required publisher information needed and submitted this request, we will processe the request to add the integration to the specific course identified.

NOTE:  You will need to complete this form for each course separately as the course publishers will provide you a separate Canvas LTI URL, Consumer Key, and Secret for each course integration.  If you have any questions regarding obtaining this information, please contact your publisher representative directly for this information and instructions on how to integrate with Canvas.