Laptop Cart Reservation

What is this service?

ITS can provide laptop carts for teaching and learning for a defined period of time. Laptop carts are mobile and can be an alternative to reserving a computer lab for your class.

 Laptop Cart Details

  • Operation System of laptops:  Windows (PC)
  • Number of laptops:  there is a 25-laptop and 40-laptop cart option
  • Default software:  laptops have standard software such as MS Office and major computer browsers.
    • You will be asked if specific software is needed and it may increase the lead-time needed to prepare your reservation

Laptop Carts are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Please provide the software you need, use case for your cart, course information, number of students, class location,  and start and end dates for your reservation.

What to expect

ITS will reply to your request to confirm:
 - If a laptop cart is available to fulfill your request
 - What lead time may be needed to install specialized software
 - Coordinating drop-off and pick-up logistics.

Reserve a Laptop Cart


Service ID: 51880
Mon 4/25/22 4:02 PM
Fri 5/24/24 9:27 AM
Catalog Visibility (what users can use/see this service in the Client Portal?)
Internal: Only for ITS use
Restricted: access restricted to ITS and another group
Unrestricted: All users can access