What is it?
This is a service for students. If you feel that you have work experience that is relevant/equivalent to an MSU Denver course, this service creates a ticket to indicate your interest in pursuing portfolio credit based on your relevant work experience. Prior to utilizing this ticket service, please identify the target course(s) your portfolio will address. Portfolio credit must apply toward your degree program. It should be requested on major or minor courses, but can also be requested for general elective courses.
Who can request this?
Students and faculty
Approval to move forward on a portfolio credit request requires special course registration for EDS 2680 and an additional payment of $379 for evaluation of completed portfolio
What to expect
After submitting your service ticket for a portfolio credit request, approval to move forward will only be granted if the targeted course(s) can be completed through a portfolio review. There are several discipline areas where credit based on work experience is not an option, and this approval is ultimately up to the relevant departmental program chair and/or faculty member. If approved, the next step of the process is registration into EDS 2680, which aids with building your portfolio. After your initial ticket request, you can expect an email response within 2-3 business days from the Alternative Credit department (pla@msudenver.edu).