This is a Quick Start Guide to introduce University Website Owners on how to upload media (audio and video) files to the Yuja Video system as well as the training and support resources that are available to them for Yuja.
Before you begin...
You must be an active student, staff or faculty member at MSU Denver in order to access Yuja.
If you require assistance installing, using, or troubleshooting Yuja, submit a Yuja Assistance Request.
YuJa is a video content management system that enables users to view, record, upload, publish, search, and share videos and audio. In order for a positive end-user experience, all media items linked from the University Website should be uploaded to this platform so that they are progressively streamed (rather than having the end-user download the complete media item before it starts playing) and closed-captioning for ADA compliance.
Uploading a Media File (video or audio) to YuJa
- Visit https://msudenver.yuja.com
- Select Metropolitan State University of Denver SSO option from the drop-down menu
- Click on the Login button to log in to YuJa
- Navigate to the folder within Yuja where you want your media to be located. You may create folders in YuJa to organize your content as you wish.
- Click Upload. The Add Media window will appear.
- Ensure Video or Audio is selected from the options above (depending on the type of file(s) you are uploading).
- Click Browse.
- Locate the media file(s) on your computer that you want to upload. Note: only upload multiple files of the same type you selected in step # 6.
- Click Open. Note: You can select more than one media file of the same type. You will see them listed in the pop-up window underneath the Browse button.
- Click the Start Upload button.
- Note: You will see a progress bar appear at the bottom-right of your browser window indicating when the videos are done. Depending on the size of your video, this process could take several minutes to hours. Once a video has finished uploading, YuJa will start processing the video(s) which may take another several moments. Once YuJa has finished processing your video(s), they are ready for placing or sharing to your desired audience- see the Embed a YuJa Video tutorial for more information.
Yuja Tutorials:
Important! Yuja tutorials that are provided directly from the Yuja Help Center may show details and available functions that are a bit different from the MSU Denver system.
Video Tutorials from MSU Denver:
- Yuja Captioning
- Linking to a YuJa video on the University website
- Embedding a YuJa video on the University website
Video Tutorials from the Yuja Help Center:
You should now be more familiar with the Yuja system and the resources that are available to you.
If you need support installing, using, or troubleshooting Yuja submit a Yuja Assistance Request.