Elevated (Administrative) rights request on an MSU Denver computer

What is it?

MakeMeAdmin (PCs) and Promote to Administrator (Macs) are utilities that can be used on MSU Denver computers to grant elevated (administrative) privileges to your user account for 15-minute intervals.  This allows enough time to run common administrative tasks and mitigates the security risk of being a persistent local admin.   

Submitting a request for Elevated Rights requires reading and agreeing to MSU Denver’s IT Services Elevated Permissions Policy. This policy serves to educate requestors on supported use cases for Elevated Permissions, appropriate use, inappropriate use, additional responsibilities pertaining to Elevated Permissions, and IT’s procedure for enforcing compliance. By agreeing to MSU Denver’s IT Services Elevated Permissions Policy, the requestor is agreeing to comply with the appropriate use and responsibilities that come with Elevated Permissions.

Please know that this request is not guaranteed for approval and will be reviewed by multiple teams within ITS prior to a decision being made. If approval is granted we will follow up with instructions for installing and using MakeMeAdmin or Promote to Administrator on your device.

A request for Elevated Permissions will be denied if the requestor’s use case falls into one or more of the following categories:

  • One-time software installs
  • General convenience
  • Minor changes to system settings
  • Simply having been granted Elevated Permissions in the past

Who can request this?

Current faculty and staff assigned an MSU Denver device may request this.  Requests from Student Employees will require supervisor approval. 


Please know your device's Asset Tag (MSXXXXXX). You will need to read and accept the MSU Denver IT Services Elevated Permissions Policy and a number of user agreements in order to receive this service and describe your business case for needing elevated rights on your device. 

Approved requestors will need to commit to the requirements of appropriate use the Elevated Permission Policy. Any additional programs and software, unless previously approved, will need to be reviewed by MSU Denver ITS via an MSU Denver Software Request.

What to expect

If approval is granted we will follow up with instructions for installing and using MakeMeAdmin or Promote to Administrator on your device.

Request Elevated Rights


Service ID: 46033
Thu 10/1/20 7:04 PM
Fri 2/23/24 2:00 PM
Catalog Visibility (what users can use/see this service in the Client Portal?)
Internal: Only for ITS use
Restricted: access restricted to ITS and another group
Unrestricted: All users can access