General Support - I Don't See What I Need

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Tried searching for your service?
Client Portal Global Search

Finding an existing service offering in our catalog to use will lead to the most efficient support experience. However, we realize some needs or questions aren't in our catalog (yet) or you may not know which one to choose!

Use this service request to Submit a Ticket if you cannot find the service you need in our Service Catalog or if you have a question without an answer in our Knowledge Base.  

If you need to report an error, something broken, or an outage, please report that here. 

Who can request this?

Any current MSU Denver student, faculty or staff may submit this request. 


Please provide as much detail as possible when describing your request. You may attach images or files to your ticket.

What to expect

Our technicians will respond to your request during normal business hours with any follow-up questions or resolutions. 

Submit a Ticket


Service ID: 46467
Fri 10/9/20 5:41 PM
Wed 8/14/24 9:54 AM
Catalog Visibility (what users can use/see this service in the Client Portal?)
Internal: Only for ITS use
Restricted: access restricted to ITS and another group
Unrestricted: All users can access