Intranet Site Request

What is it?

Use this form to request a SharePoint site approval to be connected to the MSU Denver Intranet Hub
The MSU Denver Intranet is an internal Sharepoint communication site that allows Faculty, Staff, and Students the ability to access information and documents in a location that is only available to MSU Denver users. Intranet sites within the MSU Denver Intranet are created by individual departments and organization following certain criterion. Before these sites can be connected to the MSU Denver Hub and integrated into the Intranet they need to be reviewed and approved to make sure they fit the criteria.
Training, policies, and criteria for approval can be found on the MSU Denver Intranet Resource page:

Who can request this?

MSU Denver departments and organization can all create an Intranet site. While the requester can be any Staff, Faculty or Student that oversees the site creation the head of those departments and organizations must provide approval before the sites will be connected to the Hub menu.


Departments or organizations can use this form to have a current site they have created be reviewed for approval. This form can also be used for questions about qualifications and support for the Intranet sites.

What to expect

ITS will review your request and reach out with any questions or information.

Intranet Site Request


Service Offering Id: 737
Wed 11/30/22 3:43 PM
Wed 11/30/22 4:23 PM