Network drive access and permission modifications

What is it?

Employees can ask for access to Network File shares such as their departmental drives (Y Drive) or other drives that are used to share files across departments such as the U Drive.  File share owners can also request restricted access to certain folders in their team's file share.

Who can request this?

Facutly and staff may request this service.  Student employees: please have your supervisor place this request on your behalf.


Please include your department's name and also any known drive paths and the account names of the target employee(s) needing access.

Example Y Drive paths: 

  • On a PC: \\\drives\(your team's main folder name here)\...
  • On a Mac: smb:// team's main folder name here)\...

Example U Drive paths:

  • On a PC:  \\\drives\appsdata\(your team's main folder name here)\...
  • On a Mac: smb:// team's main folder name here)\...
What to expect

ITS will seek appropriate approval and confirm with the request has been completed.

Request Service


Service ID: 46024
Thu 10/1/20 7:04 PM
Mon 6/3/24 11:34 AM
Catalog Visibility (what users can use/see this service in the Client Portal?)
Internal: Only for ITS use
Restricted: access restricted to ITS and another group
Unrestricted: All users can access