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Services or Offerings?
Request access to tools that allow your user administrative privileges on your MSUDenver asset

If something is not working properly or you're experiencing an unexpected interruption to one of our services, you're in the right place and we'll do our best to help get you back up and running.

If your department has ordered a new leased printer, submit this request to prepare for the configuration by ITS.

Request a shared mailbox that multiple people can manage; request permission changes to current Shared Mailboxes.

Employees request basic (read-only) access to the Banner 9 administrative environment (for employees only).

Report a spam or phishing email

Request audiovisual equipment and support services for teaching and learning.

Learn about Microsoft's generative AI chat tool and how to use it securely at MSU Denver.

ITS provides assistance to students and employees who need help setting up their accounts for first use, or resolving a login problem to an MSU Denver computer or web service.

Report an enterprise application issue.

Students in Engineering and Industrial Design programs may request a student license.

Students can request Adobe Creative Cloud license to install on a personal device.