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Services or Offerings?
Seek help signing into your desk phone or report other questions or issues you are having with your phone.

Information and assistance on the SSC Navigate desktop and mobile app for staff, faculty, and students.

Only available to App Admin, Application Development teams to request DBA services

Get support or report technical issues using Microsoft Teams.

Get support setting up your mutli-factor authentication settings for the first time or if you cannot authenticate due to a lost, changed or broken multi-factor authentication device.

Get assistance with errors affecting your email or calendars!

Request assistance configuring or using OneDrive for Business.

Report a spam or phishing email

Request phone numbers for new employee(s); get voicemail help or delegate updates for current extensions.

Students can use many software titles virtually on their own computer.

Request assistance creating or managing your distribution group in Office 365/Outlook

Students can request Adobe Creative Cloud license to install on a personal device.