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Services or Offerings?
Seek help signing into your desk phone or report other questions or issues you are having with your phone.

Learn about this digital marketing platform and if it fits your business needs.

Request assistance configuring or using OneDrive for Business.

Business process owners can request changes to current Banner Workflows.

Request a password reset for your Oracle user account: ODBC connections in Access, Spreadsheet Server or SQL Developer

LiquidFiles is an email service that allows for secure transmission of sensitive data.

Submit a project proposal that requires IT support.

Faculty can request that their Canvas course be entirely reset (erased including all student data).

Report hardware issues with MSU Denver assets and accessories.

Students can use many software titles virtually on their own computer.

Have your computer checked out and cleared of viruses or malware infections.

This form is to request access to a Tier 2 migrated course selected by your Chair. If you are not sure if your course is part of the Tier 2 migration please contact your Department Chair. Once this form is filled out you will gain access to your migrated content within Canvas to be used for course development.

Request assistance troubleshooting software failures, configuration issues, and error messages.

Submit any non-emergency information security issues, questions, or concerns here

Report any problems accessing the wireless network, including wireless coverage issues or poor performance