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Services or Offerings?
Request assistance troubleshooting software failures, configuration issues, and error messages.

Engage with ITS to renew or procure cloud-hosted applications or locally-installed software on faculty/staff computers, classrooms or labs.

Free and request-able software for student use on personal devices including Solidworks, Multisim, LabView, Minitab, Mathematica and more!

Request a NEW Learning Management System (Canvas) integration with a third-party tool to support teaching and learning.

Students can use many software titles virtually on their own computer.

Report an issue with Health Center-specific software, systems, and devices

Changes or requests to a Health Center-specific software, systems and devices. Health Center employees only.

Faculty can request Windows laptop carts for class teaching needs.

Request access to tools that allow your user administrative privileges on your MSUDenver asset

Request assistance installing or using the Yuja media platform.

Request access to utilize the MSU Denver VPN, GlobalProtect

Request assistance with Spreadsheet Server, including new-user setup and installation.

Request assistance with the support, custom development, or the configuration/release of Enterprise Applications that support the University's administrative operations or strategic initiatives.

If something is not working properly or you're experiencing an unexpected interruption to one of our services, you're in the right place and we'll do our best to help get you back up and running.

Information and assistance on the SSC Navigate desktop and mobile app for staff, faculty, and students.