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Services or Offerings?
Changes or requests to a Health Center-specific software, systems and devices. Health Center employees only.

Instructors can request a tour of the MSU Denver data center for their class.

Report an issue with Health Center-specific software, systems, and devices

Request changes or support with the configuration of ShoreTel services

Request data restoration from network drive data backup (not individual client devices) or storage volume increase.

MSU Denver has contracted with a vendor to provide 24/7 virtual tutoring to supplement existing internal academic support available through the Tutoring Center, Writing Center, and Math Tutor Lab.

Students, faculty and staff my check-out laptops and other technology peripherals on a short-term basis, per current ITS inventory.

Engage with ITS to renew or procure cloud-hosted applications or locally-installed software on faculty/staff computers, classrooms or labs.

Request assistance managing your RAVE emergency alert settings

Request assistance with Spreadsheet Server, including new-user setup and installation.

Get Workday support from HR, Finance, and ITS.

Get support or report technical issues using Microsoft Teams.

Business process owners can request changes to current Banner Workflows.

Existing application owners can request to create a new application or modify an existing application within Banner Document Manager (AppXtender).

If you need to request AppXtender security for an employee, please use the Expanded Banner permissions request form.

Workday Office Connect helps users connect Excel to Workday. The software allows the downloading of the Workday reports into Excel so that they can open the report from Excel.