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Services or Offerings?
Request assistance creating or managing your distribution group in Office 365/Outlook

Instructors can request a tour of the MSU Denver data center for their class.

Request permission changes for ITS technicians working in TDX.. Make requests or suggestions on major process areas in TDX (Service/Incidents, Change, Major Incident, Assets, Knowledge, Service Catalog, etc.) or Request permission changes for ITS technicians working in TDX.

Request assistance creating and managing a Microsoft Team for class lectures and collaboration

Get support or report technical issues using Microsoft Teams.

Get assistance with errors affecting your email or calendars!

Request IT assistance with individual and departmental office moves.

ITS can support an individual or small group with their workstations during an office move.

Workday Office Connect helps users connect Excel to Workday. The software allows the downloading of the Workday reports into Excel so that they can open the report from Excel.