Search24 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request changes or support with the configuration of ShoreTel services

Request a password reset for your Oracle user account: ODBC connections in Access, Spreadsheet Server or SQL Developer

Students can remotely access and use MSU Denver Computer Lab machines from their personal computer.

Report technology issues in a classroom that affect teaching and learning success.

Get support setting up your mutli-factor authentication settings for the first time or if you cannot authenticate due to a lost, changed or broken multi-factor authentication device.

Request phone numbers for new employee(s); get voicemail help or delegate updates for current extensions.

Report hardware issues with MSU Denver assets and accessories.

Students can use many software titles virtually on their own computer.

ITS provides assistance to students and employees who need help setting up their accounts for first use, or resolving a login problem to an MSU Denver computer or web service.

Request assistance managing your RAVE emergency alert settings

Report a lost or stolen MSU Denver device to ITS.

Learn about this digital marketing platform and if it fits your business needs.

Request assistance creating and managing a Microsoft Team for class lectures and collaboration

Get Workday support from HR, Finance, and ITS.

Seek help signing into your desk phone or report other questions or issues you are having with your phone.