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Services or Offerings?
Report technology issues in a classroom that affect teaching and learning success.

Have your computer checked out and cleared of viruses or malware infections.

Request for DNS changes (static IPs, etc.)

Request a change to your NetID or display name due to legal name changes.

Request assistance installing or using the Yuja media platform.

Request assistance managing your RAVE emergency alert settings

If your department has ordered a new leased printer, submit this request to prepare for the configuration by ITS.

Request support with printing in a lab or managing account balances

Request conference phone, new main line number, delegate changes to main line numbers (SLAs), auto-attendant set-up, and voicemail configuration

Request phone numbers for new employee(s); get voicemail help or delegate updates for current extensions.

Request a shared mailbox that multiple people can manage; request permission changes to current Shared Mailboxes.

Get Workday support from HR, Finance, and ITS.

Get support to successfully print to campus printers from an MSU Denver computer.

Students or staff that receive a notice their account will be deactivated can reach out for support and to ask further questions

ITS provides assistance to students and employees who need help setting up their accounts for first use, or resolving a login problem to an MSU Denver computer or web service.